Session 2: Small Molecule Metabolites in Drug Discovery and Development
Chairs: Aaron Teitelbaum, Bingming Chen, Carley Heck, and Matthew Albertolle
The Human ADME Study: Comparison of Various Strategies and Technical Approaches

Chandra Prakash, Agios
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for the Support of Microtracer Studies @ Boehringer-Ingelheim, Technical Aspects of AMS' Deep Dive on How AMS Actually Works

Stefan Blech, Boehringer Ingelheim

Ralf Laux, Boehringer Ingelheim
How to Deal with Metabolites from Human ADME: Part 1. MIST

Yuexia Liang, Merck
Assessing Metabolite Contribution to Target Activity and DDI

Sheila Peters, Boehringer Ingelheim
Roundtable Discussion with Speakers

Session 2: Small Molecule Metabolites in Drug Discovery and Development
Recorded 03/02/2023 | 60 minutes
Recorded 03/02/2023 | 60 minutes
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Welcome and Introduction
5:08 - Chandra Prakash's Presentation: The Human ADME Study: Comparison of Various Strategies and Technical Approaches
44:35 - Stefan Blech's and Ralf Laux's Presentation: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for the Support of Microtracer Studies @ Boehringer-Ingelheim, Technical Aspects of AMS' Deep Dive on How AMS Actually Works
1:30:15 - Yuexia Liang's Presentation: How to Deal with Metabolites from Human ADME: Part 1. MIST
2:14:17 - Sheila Peter's Presentation: Assessing Metabolite Contribution to Target Activity and DDI
2:47: 03 - Panel Discussion