Session 3: Using in vitro Enzyme and Transporter Data in Translational Models of Human Pharmacokinetics, Dose and DDI
Chairs: Jashvant Unadkat, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA and Kimio Tohyama, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Translation of in vitro and in silico ADME Data to Guide Drug Discovery and Development Marcel Hop, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, California, USA
PBPK Modelling and Simulation of Transporter-mediated PK and DDIs – Current Status and Challenges Aleksandra Galetin, University of Manchester, Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Application of PBPK using a Matrix Qualification Approach for Translational Predictions of OAT1/OAT3 Inhibition in the Clinic by Cabotegravir Kunal Taskar, GSK, United Kingdom
IVIVE of Transporter-Mediated Renal Clearance: Relative Expression Factor (REF) vs Relative Activity Factor (RAF) Approach
Aditya Kumar, Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Successes and Challenges Faced by Industry in IVIVE of Transporter-based Drug Disposition and DDIs Manthena Varma, Pfizer, Niantic, Connecticut, USA
IVIVE of Biliary Clearance of Rosuvastatin: a Comparison of the Proteomics-informed REF Approach vs. Sandwich-Cultured Human Hepatocytes (SCHH) Flavia Storelli, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Validation of PXB Chimeric Mice to Predict Human Liver-to-Plasma Kpuu of OATP1B1 Substrates Bo Feng, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Panel Discussion with All Speakers