The Significance of Primary Human Hepatic Cells in Drug Development Research and its Utilization in Predictive Applications Using the Millifluidic Liver Tissue Chips
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Join us Tuesday, December 5, for a ISSX educational webinar presented by Dr. Chris Mathes, Chief Commercial Officer at AnaBios, and Dr. Shiny Rajan, Director of Tissue Development at Javelin. Together, they will explore the transformative potential of utilizing human primary hepatocytes and liver sinus endothelial cells (LSEC) for in revolutionizing drug development processes. They will discuss how liver tissue chips address the limitations of conventional microfluidic-based tissue chips, offering a physiologically relevant platform for better predict pharmacokinetic endpoints and improve the drug optimization process. Users will learn how Liver Tissue Chips enhance safety assessment and the implications for predicting drug-drug interactions (DDI) and drug-induced liver injury (DILI).
This webinar is sponsored by AnaBios and Javelin Biotech.